Joe Chan, CCIE #29342


I am happy to announce that I finally made it, I passed my lab in RTP on June 20, 2011, it was my 2nd attempt. The feeling was good, I felt more relieved than excited. I would like to take the opportunity to thank INE staffs, IEOC and the forum, reading other folks' experience, advices and comments, it helps me to identify my weakness, where I went wrong and need to work on. More importantly, I know that I am not alone in this long and tough journey with countless hours of constant reading/re-reading and labbing/re-labbing. For practice, I used: INE WB Vol 1,2,4 - (everything you need to know is in INE WB) Advanced Technologies Video-On-Demand R&S Open Lecture Series Class-on-Demand CCIE R&S Advanced Troubleshooting Video-on-Demand Little advice on the lab day: Don't panic; Don't make any last-minute changes; Troubleshooting section is challenging; Time management is the key; Read the "Lab Do and Don't" section carefully. For those who are in process of preparing, stick with it and don't give up. Know the technology, the end it's worth every bit of the effort. Best wishes to all! Joe Chan CCIE #29342

- Joe Chan, CCIE #29342

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