Jason Santamaria, CCIE #29018


I started my CCIE lab preparation with an INE Competitor, who shall remain nameless. Once I recieved their lab workbooks and started to work through them, I was disappointed at the quality of the startup configs and the lab scenarios. Both seemed to have a lot of errors that slowed down the process. I decided to go with INE after seeing a friends Security IE Lab workbooks. I was impressed with the quality of the diagrams and the overall scenarios, so I purchased the layer 2-3 workbook to build up my speed, as well as the troubleshooting workbooks. I also attended week 2 of the CCIE R&S Bootcamp (mock lab). I found this a humbling, but ultimately beneficial experience, as it pointed up areas of weakness for me to work on. The instructor (Petr) had a depth of knowledge that was simply unbelievable. It is no exageration to say that without the INE preparation I had, I most likely would still not have my CCIE. Thanks INE!

- Jason Santamaria, CCIE #29018 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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