Ivan Krimmel, CCIE #23046


Hi everybody at INE! I hope you're doing great both individually and as a part of the INE crew. I am also doing fine, just decided to let you know that following my success story from 2008 - I did another step forward and passed the SP lab in October 2010. Did I ask myself how I am going to prepare this time? Frankly - no, I had this plan encrusted since my R&S days. I did a great deep-dive into the theory and then opted for INE's Service Provider volumes I and II. I also bought the OEQs issued by you guys. All of these has helped me to shape out my skills and made me able to crunch the actual lab. I moved to Brussels in 2010, guess why? Because there is a big Cisco TAC theater, where I work nowadays as a TAC engineer in charge of SP-related issues. I look forward to get the SPv3 workbooks, because I firmly believe they will as always help me to gather more knowledge, which I could bring to practice even in my current role. Thank you guys, Thanks for all the fish! Best regards, Ivan Krimmel, CCIE #23046

- Ivan Krimmel, CCIE #23046 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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