Ishtiaq Ahmed, CCIE #48090


I would like to share my success with INE, I have passed CCIE Service Provider Certification #48090 in Dubai. I started this journey 2 years ago in May-June 2013 with INE. I used INE workbooks and video training to understand the technology & to practice. The INE Workbook is a really big asset, useful even for every day work and really helpful. Without those INE WBs, it would have been very tough for me to pass the lab. Special thanks to Brian McGahan for the excellent guidance. I don't think there is any instructor as skilled as Brian McGahan!! Thank you INE team for providing excellent workbooks and video training. Your products combined have assisted me greatly in passing the LAB and earning my CCIE #. I am more than impressed with the talent at INE and their contribution as trusted advisors to my success in achieving this CCIE# 48090. Thanks!

- Ishtiaq Ahmed, CCIE #48090 (CCIE Service Provider)

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