Francisco Javier Gonzalez Sanz, CCIE # 47745


I pass CCIE R&S in Brussels last March 26 on my fourth attempt. I was in the bootcamp in London in Jan 2014. It was the last on the version 4. The Bootcamp was really good, the teacher was David Smith. I really liked the way that he explained all the topics. We spent a lot of hours each day during the two weeks, but it?s the only way to cover the main topics. After the class in Hotel we made the LAB too. It was two weeks only dedicate to the CCIE. I met many people in the course. Nowadays I?m in contact with some of them. In my point of view, the most important thing to pass the exam is the understand the topology. You have to invest a lot of your free time to studying. I studied for around two years. I watched all the videos, version 4 & 5 and practiced all the topics from the workbooks. In my case, the most difficult things was the TS. The problem was the time. In the versión 4 you only had 2 hours about 10-12 minutes each ticket. Sometime it?s not enough to resolve. My problem on the first time was the pressure of my company to make the exam. I did not feel prepared but I had to do it. My second attempt, was on version 4 again and I was very, very close. My third attempt was the change to the version five and I was the same very close to pass. My problem was with the TS, every time. So, I studied every day about fours hours a day, on weeks every 10-12, depend on the day. On the last exam, I was studying with one friend, that was on the bootcamp too and was fantastic because we study together and we helped each other. Before the exam, I toke 3 weeks on holidays to prepare the exam. I think it?s so important the two or three weeks before the exam, was only concentrate in the LAB. Cheers

- Francisco Javier Gonzalez Sanz, CCIE # 47745 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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