Febrian Setiadi, CCIE #39090


It is on 21st of July 2012, INE officially anounced Winners for the CCIE Routing & Switching - INE Scholarships 2012. I feel honored to be selected as one of the successful winner. This is the point where all begin, i started to learn CCIE Written (even i havent passed written before) and got passed on 20th September 2012. Then I Managed to book lab on Hong Kong on 24th April after it. I started the journey to become CCIE, withall of INE products in my side, they have everything you need to become CCIE. Having been intensely prepared to become CCIE, i got deep understanding of basic and advanced technologies, i watched INE ATC 4.5 and other severals fundamentals videos and seminars. Everyday I watched Brian Dennis delivering each bullet of blueprints on CCIE LAB, to get a faster grasp understanding, while watching him, i also do same configuration scenario as on the Video, it will help you faster. I also managed to clear workbook volume 1 back to back before i sat on my day, so I finished with basic technologies and workbook volume 1, and it is 30 days away from my schedule lab, so I decided to start doing INE mocklabs, especially TS part, it is indirectly empower me to have a quick and lean verification and speed troubleshooting skills to cope with Troubleshooting session. INE Mocklab is lot more harder than Real Lab, consequently when i sat yesterday to take exam, i dont feel any difficulties in Troubleshooting, and finished within less than 90 minutes from 120 minutes allocated. For Configuration session, what i point out is verification, that always shown in workbook, and i follow it's framework of configuration steps. I am one of lucky bastard out there by passing CCIE in very first attempt, and it wouldn't be possible without INE as a main "partner." Whats next is for another shot in another track, probably Security or Data Center, and I will still stick with INE workbooks, ATCs and rack rentals, and maybe a live bootcamp ( i missed CCIE RS bootcamp in london due to visa) Thank you INE, this is where it all begins.

- Febrian Setiadi, CCIE #39090 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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