Eric Poulin, CCIE #18679


Well well well ... my turn to post finally! I still can't believe that this journey is over. I passed on second attempt in RTP last week. I studied for over 1200 hours in my lab for my first attempt five weeks ago, and obviously failed. Not because of the technology, but because of time management. This time, I managed to finish all the tasks, but did not have time to run my usual TCL scripts or verify my work. I started studying for the CCIE in July 2006 and passed the written exam at the end of October. For my studies, I used Internetwork Experts Class-on-deman, technology labs and workbook version 4. I read all their recommended CCIE books prior to starting the lab. And I also spent a good amount of time reading the DocCD. I would like to thank all of my friends and family who were very supportive. I want to thank both Brians at Internetwork Expert for their amazing material. I also want to thank my study partner Eric Dobyns for his help in the last few weeks. Thanks to all the smart people on Group Study for posting and answering questions. And finally a big thank you to Howard the proctor in RTP for his patience (sorry if I asked so many questions). Now that I have an incredible amount of spare time, I might go for the Juniper certifications since it's free. Best of luck to all of you, in the end it will all be worth it.

- Eric Poulin, CCIE #18679 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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