Dean Armada, CCIE #27437


Its a little late for me to do this but yeah I am proud to let you know guys that I finally made it, I cleared the CCIE Security Lab Exam last Nov 2010. It took me more than 2 attempts and the 2nd one was painfully close. I almost broke into pieces and thought of giving up. After buying all the workbooks, attending bootcamp, and labbing/studying more than 30hrs a week for more than a year... it just doesn't make sense if I don't get a number. Two reasons that keeps me trying: It would be a total waste of time, money and effort and I would be a total loser if I give up and and everything will be wasted! So to all the candidates two things to keep in mind: Do your best and never ever give up! I want to thank INE team and fellow candidates for the materials and support!!!

- Dean Armada, CCIE #27437 (CCIE Security)

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