Daniel Ball, CCIE #43118


I am a military veteran that started out in the satellite communications career field. In 2009, the military thought I would be better utilized in the networking field. I started from ground zero and learned as much as I could as quick as I could. When I started out, I didn't even know what a CCIE was. I got my CCNA by going to the local university for the Cisco Net Academy. My instructor for that class was studying for his CCIE and was using the class to keep him sharp on his skills. He was very smart and very knowledgeable on the subjects that we covered. I didn't hear about INE until I was on my last test for my CCNP. After I completed my CCNP I decided to go for my CCIE because I wanted to be considered one of the best. That was at the beginning of 2012. 2 and a half years later I finally passed. It took me three times and I almost quit on my second attempt. To get my CCIE, I used INE for about 98% of my studies. I tried other vendors but I just couldn't get comfortable with them. Brian McGahan taught the SP track and he knew everything. What helped me the most was understanding how to troubleshoot through an SP network. Thanks a million, INE. I look forward to continuing my studies with you in other tracks!

Update! June 17, 2015: I originally got my first CCIE in SP on April 1st of 2014. Yesterday I tested and pass the RS lab! I used INE in over 90% of my studies for both of my CCIEs. I have lots of people ask me about the material to study for different tracks and I always refer them to INE. The level and quality of training that INE offers can't be beaten! I watch different videos on a regular just for refresher training. I hope they never stop doing what they are doing! Thanks again INE!!
- Daniel Ball, CCIE #43118 (CCIE Service Provider, CCIE Routing & Switching)

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