Dale Kling, CCIE #21330


First off, my wife and GOD. If I don't mention her first, she might kill me and probably the same about GOD... O_o Next, Internetwork Experts ver 4 WBs and their Technology COD. I have the Brians' voices ingrained into my head. Brian Dennis, Josh Finke and crew from Internetwork Expert were nice enough to hook me up in the last hours. their materials were a huge success in passing the CCIE lab. Without their tools, it would have been a much harder journey. I already have the materials from Internetwork Expert for the SP track and will hit that at work starting this morning since this is what I do at work everyday and my boss will let me study while I lab it up on our 7604s. :) My plan is to have SP in 3-4 months as well. MMMmmm Knowledge, Watch your back Petr, I'm coming for your CCIEs and I'll probably pass up Brian Mcgahan in 6 months because he's a slacker. j/k man. ;) I highly recommend IE and all their training materials.

- Dale Kling, CCIE #21330 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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