Cory Gray, CCIE #22842


I had first took the CCIE R&S lab when I was 20 years old and failed. It was so confusing at the time, I was unsure on how to prepare. A couple of years later I heard about Internetwork Expert's products. I used the Class on Demand to gain a deeper understanding of the topics and the Lab Workbook II to practice. After going through both thoroughly I was able to pass my lab on my 2nd "REAL" attempt. I new all of the answers the first time, I just did not have my speed down. On my passing attempt, I was done 2 hours early and was able to go back and verify again that my configurations were working as the lab required. Now at 24 I finally have my number and look forward to using Internetwork Experts products on other tracks. I could not have done it without the products!

- Cory Gray, CCIE #22842 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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