Cody Chell


From May 2017 I didn't know anything about networking. Barely knew what a subnet was. I started a new job in IT and wanted to get better with networking. I didn't know much about it, but I had the ability to get access to it through my work. I used it alongside going to school for network administration and working with the network engineer at work. Come 2018, I was studying for the CCNA. INE played a pivotal role in me getting my CCNA. I'm much more of a doer in the sense of learning. Following along with the videos at my own pace was a great addition to my learning. Before I took the CCNA, because of my work, school, and hobbies (doing networking for fun), I was able to take Networking 2 & 3 courses at the same time. Networking 2 being pretty basic (Basic switching and routing) and 3 being more advanced in this particular program. After all of that, I was able to get my CCNA by December 2018. I've been using it more and more over the last few years. I tried to get my CCNP before the exam cut off, but I was not successful. I took route 4 times (closest I got was 769/790). I was unable to pass, but this was not the fault of INE. INE has helped me understand all the topics on that test. Just because I didn't pass doesn't mean I didn't learn those topics. I'm more confident as a networking person now and make use of my certs and education way more now. It's crazy how far I've come in just 3 years from not knowing anything, to studying for the CCNP. I'm working on trying to pass the ENARSI now because I'm nearly there since I went over all those topics in 2019. Just a few new ones. I'm arguably in a better place now with the new certification exam structure (Goodbye frame relay!!). Hoping to pass the ENARSI in early September/October. Now I'm not on a time crunch, so I should do well. P.S. - Keith Bogart is my lord and savior.

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