Anil Ayber Ergunsah, CCIE #29761


I passed my CCIE-RS exam on 28th july 2011. Special thanks to INE. Your products are very good and they provide me a straight study plan. I used first your Advanced Technologies COD and studied topics in blueprint. Then I used CCIE-RS Lab Workbook vol II and CCIE-RS workbook vol IV with your racks. INE has good racks that problem-free. Thats very good that product startup configs are ready. I bought 1400 tokens. I followed INE blog and online community, and still following. I think INE has best products for studying and preparing to Cisco exams. I'll use INE for my second CCIE exam, CCIE-SP. I'm waiting INE for new version 3 support. Thanks again to all of INE staff. CCIE#29761

- Anil Ayber Ergunsah, CCIE #29761

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