Andrei Skvorchevsky, CCIE #29071


Hello! My way to CCIE was typical. In 2006 I got my CCNA, in 2008 I got my CCNP. And at the end of 2009 I started my CCIE study. About 3 months I spent reading books by Jeff Doyle, Wendell Odom, Ivan Pepelnjak and other well-known authors. Then I started to study INE WBI. I think this is the most useful material I've ever met. WBI took about 10 months and almost all tasks I could do on Dynamips (it was very comfortable because good server with Dynamips are much faster than real Cisco 2610 in my hardware lab). Then I passed CCIE Written in December 2010 and began to study WBII, WBIII and WBIV. On that period I worked with hardware lab which my company provided to me. Also I did 4 Mock Labs. And at the end I got my number on May 27, 2011 in Brussels. It was my first try. The Lab seemed to me rather hard, especially t-shooting. If I studied little less I wouldn't pass this exam. I would like to thanks INE for very good Work Books. I can recommend them not only for CCIE pretenders but for CCNPs who want to be really competent specialists. WBI is not expensive and Dynamips is free, and this is all you need to become real competent.

- Andrei Skvorchevsky, CCIE #29071 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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