Amr, CCIE #29193


INE really played an amazing role in getting my CCIE Voice number. When I first started my studies I bought CCIE Deep dive and went through each one step by step. I figured out how much these videos are organized in a way that makes you confident when the big day comes and really makes you an Expert in the real world. I spend huge time experience all kinds of technologies and solutions for passing my exam. Mark Snow techniques and strategy helped me a lot in enhancing my knowledge and provided me with the proper guides for attacking the exam. I would strongly recommend INE CCIE Voice Deep Dive Videos for serious people who really want to pass the CCIE Voice exam and become an expert in VoIP Technology. The Videos display the technology and how we deal with it from different aspects. It?s like you don?t have to worry about what the next step is to do, it just shows you the road for having the solution in a very useful way...Thanks Alot

- Amr, CCIE #29193 (CCIE Voice)

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