Ahmed N Al rawi, CCIE #29806


I passed my lab on 1st of August on first attempt. I purchased CCIE 2.0 self paced program on December 2009 These are the materials I used the most during my study: 1- INE Workbook Vol 1 & 2 2- R&S advanced Technology 10 days 3- Audio lessons by Scott Morris 4- Several Cisco Press Books 5- Cisco Online Documentation. My advice to all CCIE candidate: believe in yourself and never give up. choose the right material to study from and stick to it. INE material is more than enough to prepare for the lab. In the lab day: the most important advice is "Do not panic", mange your time and read the instructions. I want to thank all INE team for thier product which helped me primarily to achieve my goal. Special thank to Brian McGahan, Brian Dennis and Scott Morris. You made this possible. Ahmed Nori Alrawi CCIE 29806

- Ahmed N Al rawi, CCIE #29806 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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