Vladimir Kokshenev, CCIE #28460


It was a long journey... It had begun at the 2nd of January of 2009 and ended, I suppose, at the 22nd of March of 2011. It was my 3rd attempt. First 6 months or so I spent with Focus Labs and INE RS WB vol 1. It was awesome!.. That is where the real knowledge is. At that time not all it's parts were upgraded to INE version 5. Then I used vol 2 and 4, and they were awesome too. The truth is that I failed to schedule for RS version 3, and I was not afraid: MPLS and troubleshooting are very interesting topics. The first attempt was in november of 2009. I was very close, I was well prepared, I had a chance to become the first INE fellow to pass v4. But I failed. I promised myself not to give up. I scheduled my next attempt to the may of 2010, and failed again: damned MPLS scenario, it was realy hard. I was completely destroyed, but I never give up. And the third shot had a score. I finally passed it. Almost a year ago... During this year (from lab till now) I'd reread INE RS WB VOL 1 few times to stay in shape. And I even made a couple of Full scale labs. And speaking from the investors point of view, this purchase (the purchase of the INE workbooks) was my best investment I've ever made. With its help I became an expert professionaly speaking and cerificationaly speaking. Don't give up, guys! I wish all of upy good luck!

- Vladimir Kokshenev, CCIE #28460 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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