Russ Bartsch, CCIE #45792


I started my CCIE Journey in April 2013 with Mark?s CCIE 10-Day Voice Bootcamp in Seattle which was an amazing experience. I was impressed with Mark and INE right off the bat. They are a world class organization and in my opinion, worlds ahead of any other training partner. The Bootcamp was truly instrumental to my studies as it was 2 weeks of focused information and advice. After the Bootcamp, I labbed for 6-7 months on INE racks before attempting the Voice exam; however, I was not successful before the Collaboration change. I picked up where Voice left off with Mark?s great Collaboration Advanced Technologies Course. I watched the entire series three times! The quality of the new material is simply outstanding. Mark?s videos are very concise and to the point. I labbed for a few months using a combination of INE racks and started building my own Rack based on the blueprint from INE. I studied and labbed for 6 months testing out certain technologies and scenarios. Five weeks before my scheduled exam, I watched Mark?s Collaboration Lab Preparation video series which was exactly like being at the 2 week Bootcamp back in 2013. After the videos I labbed at home on my rack for 25-30 days in a row and passed on my first attempt at Collaboration in December! The biggest piece of advice I took from Mark that I could pass on to others is that if you don?t practice with urgency at home and develop good study habits, it will not pass over into the day of your exam. When I got to the exam, I did exactly what I prepared to do every day and stuck to my strategy which made the entire process a lot easier.

- Russ Bartsch, CCIE #45792 (CCIE Collaboration)

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