Rejohn Ronald A. Cuares, CCIE #25647


The road to my CCIE Security (Passed on Oct. 8, 2009) & Voice (Passed on Sept. 26, 2011) were the greatest hurdles but at the same time the topmost achievements of my life so far but I didn't do it alone. I have partnered with the expert and the best study mate that every CCIE aspirants should meet, the INE. This dream of mine started 5 years ago when I was still at Uni. They say, the secret to success is visualizing your dream and at the same time working hard on your visions. I did the two. I mapped a 3 to 5 year career plan for myself. Financial resources was the greatest challenge, unlike others who can afford to study full time, I have to work to pay for my exam fees, study hard and sacrificed a lot of things to achieve these goals. I started with my CCIE in security 3 years ago which means I have been in a "relationship" with INE since then. Everything that I need to know from the workbooks, walk throughs and rack rentals. I even got some good points on how to motivate myself when I failed for the 1st time on my exams. I can say that I passed the 2 exams but not on the first takes by heart. I fully understood the technologies, the techniques and confidently can say that I am a true CCIE professional and a big chunk of this success is attributed to INE. Unsolicited advice for those who are aiming high on these fields just like me before, put your heart on your dream, visualize it, claim it, work hardest on it, sacrifice if you must and most of all, partner yourself with the best and the expert, INE. Good luck and may your story be the next on this site.

- Rejohn Ronald A. Cuares, CCIE #25647 (CCIE Voice)

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