Prateek Madaan, CCIE #26772


Had been a long and tough journey. Would really like to thank INE from the Core of my heart for facilitating in imparting the skills required not to just pass the exam but to DESERVE it as well... There are many workbooks available which I prepared along with INE , do not want to name or list any one of them...or make any comparisons...But in comparisons INEs Security Workbooks may sound tough as compared to others BUT once you go through these workbooks is when you actually feel DESERVED the tag rather than just passing it.. Each of these workbooks and the tasks test each and every technology in detail and till the dead end.... In my last attempt on Version 2 I was deprived of the number by 1%, still followed and trusted INE workbooks and finally it helped....Today I am more happy not to procure the number but to actually have the feeling of confidence that 'YES this time I deserve to be a CCIE' and all due to the exhaustive INE workbooks....

- Prateek Madaan, CCIE #26772

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