Muhammad Tahir Munir, CCIE #27270, CCDE #20160031


Update December 1, 2016:
I have passed the CCDE exam on November 17, 2016. I used a lot of resources to be successful but I need to call out one specifically Brian & his team for their insights on how to prepare and pass the exam. The practical exam was very difficult and INE was an integral part of a comprehensive study program that led to my success. I already have three CCIE's, R&S, Data Center and Service Provider. So, the CCDE was the logical next step. INE's Bootcamp video course was useful as the last item in my training. It focused on all of the topics and provided a good review for the actual exam. I would recommend as a CCDE preparation tool.
Along with INE I specially Thanks to Munir Brothers (Muhammad Tayyab Munir, 2xCCIE#37259 and Muhammad Zubair Munir,2xCCIE#40011) for their continuous support to achieve dream goal.

By the Grace of ALLAH almighty i've PASSED the CCIE SP lab exam today, thanks INE team for great SP workbook and rack rental which me lot to pass this exam.

- Muhammad Tahir Munir, CCIE #27270, CCDE #20160031 (CCIE Service Provider, CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Data Center, CCDE Design)

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