Jaivardhan Chauhan, CCIE #20964


LRPG College My name is Jaivardhan Chauhan and I am a Pre-sales system engineer with a Cisco Partner. I started my journey during September 2007 when I completed BCMSN from CCNP track and preparing for CCNP routing exam. I looked at the curriculum of CCIE wriiten and thought of taking it rather than CCNP routing, as I already completed switching part. I was working in Cisco TAC those days, so enjoyed hands on on all the required devices. I started off with the Jeff Doyle books along with Cisco press CCIE and completed my written examination on 3rd Nov 2007. Afterwards, for lab practice and deep understanding I used INE workbooks and CODs. I found INE CoDs and WB very helpful resources and reasons for my success! Booked my Lab for 1st April in San-Jose but unfortunately couldn't make it in 1st attempt due to some missing...I was very dishearten and depressed afterwards but got support of my friends and family in that unfortunate period Though, I failed but that defeat actually ignite the fire in me and I booked the exam for 27th May but couldn't get the dates in booked RTP this time. RTP turned lucky for me and I got my dream number #20964 on 27th May 2008! This journey is so special for me due to personnel and professional challenges I faced during my preparation.....I sincerely thank God, my parents, family, friends, colleagues, company, my boss for the unhindered support! And a spacial note of thanks to INE for the wonderful training material they provide! Regards, -Jaivardhan Chauhan CCIE R&S 20964

- Jaivardhan Chauhan, CCIE #20964 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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