Felix Nkansah, CCIE #20450


Hi, I passed the CCIE Lab on Sunday April 06, 2008 in Dubai and felt you should know. I want to thank you very much for your part in the making of this. I used your workbooks (Vol 1 -3), Dynamips workbooks, COD, etc. Even though I failed the first time with your products, I reckoned it was because I hadnt given much time into studying and preparing. I had skipped several labs in your workbooks and fast-forwarded or skipped several slides in the COD. Tough work schedules you know? For my second attempt, all I did was spend much more time with the IE COD and Cisco DOC CD topics very well, especially on my weak areas and labbed some tasks on dynamips. At last, I have a number. You wont believe I'm weeping at this good news! Greetings from the people of Ghana, West Africa. Regards,

- Felix Nkansah, CCIE #20450 (CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Security)

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