Daryl Smith, CCIE #25893


I took the exam last Friday in RTP and received the news today. This was also my first attempt!!!! My studies were made up of Reading the SRND section by section and understanding the technology as well as going through Vol 1 workbook and understanding the questions and the task. Once I was able to do the task and meet the requirements I then moved onto full labs and trying to put it all together. The week before my lab I completed my last and final full mock lab that Sat. After that no more labbing, I felt I could do the lab so the rest of the week I would do specific topics just to stay sharp but not any full labs. Going back to my sport days you practice, practice, practice then rest before you match, game or event. I did the same with the lab and I feel that paid off pretty good. I was worried about the OEQ, but like everyone has stated. If you really prepare for the exam the OEQ are easy. I would like to thank Josh Finke, and Mark Snow, for all the study material and advice as well as my study partner "Twann Atkins". So be on the lookout for their success stories coming soon. DPS CCIE 25893

- Daryl Smith, CCIE #25893 (CCIE Voice)

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